Saturday, January 14, 2006


Days are not far away, when no one will feel lonely. Robots are a mile away to be a part of your day-to-day life activity. Technologies are burgeoning exponentially. One can travel from Chicago to Mumbai in an hour, like going in a metro (house in mumbai and work in Chicago). All these are possible in a few decades. A look back at where did science begin, does not give a solid answer.

Assumptions are a part of scientific findings Science and Math are interrelated. Scientists have assumed for convenience and have given solutions. Laws and Axioms are findings, which restrict the freedom of more findings with limitations. Aryabatta (great mathematician) assumed that, a stone as 1 and two stones as 2 and so on. How has this mathematical simplicity led to a ramification of scientific innovations. Everything in this world is going under assumption. New year eve, Languages we speak, currency we use, and so on. No one has found an answer why we exist, why are you doing a thing at some particular time, why am I typing this at this moment and so on.

Man’s destiny is unknown, so is the origin. Even though there has been failures in findings, how has man’s inventions derived a conclusion. Does this prove the existence of God. Is he helping us to derive a solution. All religions say “ Service to mankind” is the meaning for the existence of mankind. Science is doing it. So, does it suggest that Science’s destiny would be God? Whatever is the origin of science, let destiny bring more answers, of course with more assumptions. We will not fail.


pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

hmm...most of the big questions that intrigued ppl had absolutely no answer until yesterday ...but today we attempt to give it a solution(however Assumped it mite be!!)!
atleast we have developed the had of thinking abt solution instead of letting the issue rest as it is!
give the homo sapients so more time to metamorphise into more rational .. unassuming creatures!

Vinodh Nathan said...

wow push..

thats some serious analysis..

btw.. Sriram is my brother..

regding ur points.. i think its good to keep digging at issues until we finally are satisfied (never)

change is the constant and as long as we realise and adapt we can make a difference and make sense